Thursday, November 19, 2009

Extreme OOP Exercise in Ioke

(The solution in this article is probably not the best way to solve this exercise in Ioke, but read on if you want. A better way is probably something along the lines in this blog post.)

I just reread a pdf describing extreme oop, you can read it here, inspired by the Object Calestenetics chapter in The Thoughtworks Antology. I like the idea and decided to try it out using Ioke. To do this we need to modify the rules a bit. As originaly stated they read.

Extreme OOP Rules
1. Use only one level of indentation per method.
2. Donít use the else keyword.
3. Wrap all primitives and strings.
4. Use only one dot per line.
5. Donít abbreviate.
6. Keep all entities small.
7. Donít use any classes with more than two instance variables.
8. Use first-class collections.
9. Donít use any getters/setters/properties

My try at translating them to apply to the Ioke syntax yielded this.

Extreme OOP Rules for Ioke
1. Use only one level of indentation per method.
2. Donít use the else argument to the if method.
3. Wrap all primitives and strings.
4. Use only one method call per line.
5. Donít abbreviate.
6. Keep all entities small.
7. Donít use any kind with more than two inactivable cells (cells that are not methods).
8. Use first-class collections.
9. Donít access another objects inactivable cells directly or via dumb getter/setters.

The exercise in the pdf is to write a simple interpreter for (something similar to) Commodore 64 BASIC. The requirements are given as stories, that can be translated nicely into ISpec. So lets start with the first story.

Story: An empty program produces no output. Acceptance:

To start with we won't bother with the ui. I first translated this into the following ISpec code.
it("should give no output given an empty program",
Interpreter input("") should == ""

But then I remembered that all Strings and primitives should be wraped. So we need a class that represent programs. Lets try this instead.
it("should give no output given an empty program",
Interpreter input(Interpreter TextProgram fromText("")) should == ""

It fails because there is no Interpreter kind, so lets create the Interpreter and TextProgram kinds and the input method.
Interpreter = Origin mimic do (
input = method(textProgram,
"" ; for now we just return an empty string

TextProgram = Origin mimic do(
fromText = method(text,
self ; just return self

If we add a use clause for this new file to the iSpec test file the test passes, so lets move on to the next story.

Story: A bare "print" statement produces a single newline. Acceptance:
(a single newline)

Translated to ISpec.
it("should produce a single newling given a bare \"print\" statement",
Interpreter input(Interpreter TextProgram fromText("PRINT")) should == "\n"

The specification fails and to make it pass we need to save the program in TextProgram and update the input method. To begin with we just check if the program is empty or not and let all non-empty programs return "\n".
Interpreter = Origin mimic do (
input = method(textProgram,
if(textProgram text == "",
return "")

TextProgram = Origin mimic do(
initialize = method(text,
@text = text
fromText = method(text,
self mimic(text)

As we are not allowed to use the else keyword, we use an if as a guard clause for empty inputs and return "\n" for all other cases. The test passes, but we have broken the rule that we shuld not access an objects cells directly, i.e. the text cell in the textProgram object. So lets move the check if the program is empty into the TextProgram kind.
TextProgram = Origin mimic do(
initialize = method(text,
@text = text
fromText = method(text,
self mimic(text)
empty? = method(@text empty?)

And use this method from the input method.
input = method(textProgram,
if(textProgram empty?,
return "")

The test still passes, and there is no real need to refactor the code, so lets see where the next story brings us.

Story: A "print" statement can have a constant string as an argument. The output is the constant
string. Acceptance:
PRINT "Hello, World!"
Hello, World!

Wich translates to the following ISpec code.
it("should output the content of a given constant string passed to print",
Interpreter input(Interpreter TextProgram fromText("PRINT \"Hello, World!\"")) should == "Hello, World!\n"

To pass this test we need to modify the input method again. Lets start by making the test pass without worrying about the rules.
input = method(textProgram,
if(textProgram empty?,
return "")
if(textProgram text == "PRINT",
return "\n")
"Hello, World!\n"

This passes all the tests, but wat we really need is some function that can handle the print statement. Lets create a Print kind to handle print statements.
Print = Origin mimic do (
initialize = method(argument,
@argument = argument
execute = method(@argument asText + "\n")

We added an initialize method that saves the argument in the argument cell and an execute method that we can call to get the result of executing the statement. To extract the argument to the Print statement we add a argument method to the TextProgram kind and wrap the argument to Print in a new Argument kind.
TextProgram = Origin mimic do (
argument = method(
Interpreter Argument mimic(@text split rest join(" "))

Argument = Origin mimic do(
initialize = method(text,
@text = text
asText = method(
@text[1...-1] ; remove the "" surrounding text arguments

To be able to handle all return values from input as objects with an execute method we also create a base kind Program to handle the empty program.
Program = Origin mimic do (
execute = method("")

With these new kinds in place, and a "first" method on TextProgram we can change the input method.
input = method(text,
program = Interpreter Program mimic
if (text first == "PRINT",
program = Interpreter Print mimic(Interpreter Argument mimic(text rest)))
program execute

TextProgram = Origin mimic do(
initialize = method(text,
@text = text
fromText = method(text,
self mimic(text)
first = method(
@text split[0]
rest = method(
@text split rest join(" ")

As you can see we also replaced the argument method in TextProgram with a rest method, so that it is more in alignment with the first method. Now the input method is responsible for creating objects for our program and their argument, and the TextProgram kind only deals with text processing.
The test still passes and I don't feel the need to refactor the code any more right now. So lets move on to the next story.

Story: Two or more statements in a sequence are executed one after the other
PRINT "There"

Translated to an ISpec specification.
it("should execute consequetive statements one after the other",
Interpreter input(Interpreter TextProgram fromText("PRINT \"Hi\""),
Interpreter TextProgram fromText("PRINT \"There\""),
Interpreter TextProgram fromText("PRINT \"!\"")) should == "Hi\nThere\n!\n"

The test fails. To make it pass all we need to do is invoke our current logic in a loop, collect the result and return it as a string.
input = method(+textPrograms,
textPrograms map(text,
program = Interpreter Program mimic
if (text first == "PRINT",
program = Interpreter Print mimic(Interpreter Argument mimic(text rest)))
program execute
) join

But this introduces another level of indentation in the input method and breaks the first rule "Use only one level of indentation per method." So we need to refactor this code. Lets simply introduce a handleLine method that we use from the original input method.
input = method(+textPrograms,
textPrograms map(text,
) join

handleLine = method(text,
program = Interpreter Program mimic
if (text first == "PRINT",
program = Interpreter Print mimic(Interpreter Argument mimic(text rest)))
program execute

The next story introduces numbers as argument to PRINT.

Story: The "print" statement can output number constants.

Translated to ISpec we get.

it("should output numbers passed as argument to PRINT",
Interpreter input(Interpreter TextProgram fromText("PRINT 123"),
Interpreter TextProgram fromText("PRINT -3")) should == "123\n-3\n"

As expected the test fails. To handle this case we need to change the way we handle the argument to the Print statement. More specifically we need to change the asText method in the Argument kind so that it removes the quotation marks surrounding text and leave numbers untouched.
Argument = Origin mimic do (
asText = method(
if(@text[0..0] == "\"", ; a text argument
return @text[1...-1]) ; remove the "" surrounding text arguments
return @text

This makes the test pass, and we are still following all the rules so lets move on to the next story.

Story: A single letter is a variable. The print statement can print its value. The default value for a
variable is 0


Translated to ISpec.
it("should treat single letters as variables with 0 as default value",
Interpreter input(Interpreter TextProgram fromText("PRINT A")) should == "0\n"

The test fails. All we have to do to make this story pass is to replace single letters outside of strings with 0. We don't need to worry about remembering variable values, yet. So lets just parse the argument and replace single letters outside of strings with 0.
Print = Program mimic do (
execute = method(
@argument = @argument evaluate
@argument asText + "\n"

In Argument we create the evaluate method and add a textArgument? method.
Argument = Origin mimic do(
textArgument? = method(
@text[0..0] == "\""
evaluate = method(
return @)
res = @text split map(expr,
res = #/-?\d+/ =~ expr
return expr)
return 0
) join
Interpreter Argument mimic(res)

This implementation makes all the test pass but it doesn't look very nice, and we are breaking the rule about not having more than 1 method call per line with the line "res = @text split map(expr,". To clean up the code we start with creating kinds for the different types of arguments we accept to Print. This also means that we have to change the creation logic for Arguments, instead of mimic:ing Arguments with a text arguments it feels more appropriate to create a fromText method in Arguments that we can call from the handleLine method.
handleLine = method(text,
program = Interpreter Program mimic
if (text first == "PRINT",
program = Interpreter Print mimic(Interpreter Argument fromText(text rest)))
program execute

The Argument kind.
Argument = Origin mimic do (
initialize = method(value, @value = value)
fromText = method(value,
value empty?, Interpreter Argument mimic(value),
textArgument?(value), Interpreter TextArgument mimic(value),
numberArgument?(value), Interpreter NumberArgument mimic(value),
Interpreter VariableArgument mimic(value)
textArgument? = method(value, value[0..0] == "\"")
numberArgument? = method(value, #/-?\d+/ =~ value)
evaluate = method(@value)

TextArgument = Argument mimic("") do (
evaluate = method(@value[1...-1])

VariableArgument = Argument mimic("") do (
evaluate = method(0)

NumberArgument = Argument mimic("") do (

In the argument kinds mimic:ing Argument we pass in a default value of "". When one of the sub kinds are mimic:ed with an argument the initialize method in Argument will be called and the value cell is set to the passed in value.
iik> Interpreter NumberArgument
+> Interpreter NumberArgument_0x114080D:
kind = "Interpreter NumberArgument"
value = ""

iik> Interpreter NumberArgument mimic(3)
+> Interpreter NumberArgument_0x10A1F17:
value = "3"

The code looks better and the tests still pass. The main problem now is that the cond expression in the fromText method in Argument breaks the rule that we should not use else statements. We need to somehow determine what kind of argument we are dealing with. One way to do this without using a cond would be to use a Dict with regular expressions we want to match against and the kind we want to create if the expression matches the passed in text value.
Argument = Origin mimic do(
typeDict = {}(#/^$/ => Interpreter Argument mimic(""),
#/^"[^"]+"$/ => Interpreter TextArgument mimic(""),
#/^[-+]?\d+$/ => Interpreter NumberArgument mimic(""),
#/^\w$/ => Interpreter VariableArgument mimic(""))

fromText = method(text,
argType = typeDict find(entry,
entry key =~ text
) value
argType mimic(text)

This is better but not quite there yet. Rule 8 states "Use first-class collections. In other words, any class that contains a collection should contain no other member variables" So the typeDict collection should be contained in its own class. So lets create an ArgumentTypeMatcher kind.
ArgumentTypeMatcher = Origin mimic do( 
typeDict = {}(#/^$/ => Interpreter Argument mimic(""),
#/^"[^"]+"$/ => Interpreter TextArgument mimic(""),
#/^[-+]?\d+$/ => Interpreter NumberArgument mimic(""),
#/^\w$/ => Interpreter VariableArgument mimic(""))

match = method(text,
entryMatch = typeDict find(entry,
entry key =~ text
entryMatch value

Argument = Origin mimic do (
fromText = method(text,
argumentType = ArgumentTypeMatcher match(text)
argumentType mimic(text)

The tests still passes so lets try the next story.

Story: An assignment statement binds a value to a variable.

Translated to ISpec.
it("should accept an assignment statement and bind the passed in value to a variables",
Interpreter input(Interpreter TextProgram fromText("A=12"),
Interpreter TextProgram fromText("PRINT A")) should == "12\n"

The test fails and to make it pass we need some means to remember values for variables. A Dict feels like a natural fit for variable and their values. Assignment statements differs from all the previous statements that we have seen so far. This statement does not start with the string "PRINT" and produces no output. So we need to change the handleLine method. We will need to do a similar match operation as with the Argument type to PRINT. handleLine currently looks like this.
Interpreter = Origin mimic do (
handleLine = method(textProgram,
program = Interpreter Program mimic
if (textProgram printStatement?,
argument = Interpreter Argument fromText(textProgram rest)
program = Interpreter Print mimic(argument))
program execute

Lets add a ProgramTypeMatcher kind that determines if this is a PRINT statement or a variable assignment.
ProgramTypeMatcher = Origin mimic do (
typeDict = {}(#/^PRINT.+$/ => Interpreter Print mimic(""),
#/^\w=[-+]?\d+$/ => Interpreter Assignment mimic("", ""),
#/^$/ => Interpreter Program mimic("")
match = method(text,
entryMatch = typeDict find(entry,
entry key =~ text
entryMatch value

The handleLine method becomes.
handleLine = method(textProgram,
progromType = ProgramTypeMatcher match(textProgram)
program = programType fromTextProgram(textProgram)
program execute

From this we can see that we need a fromTextProgram method in all Program types and a new Assignment kind for assignments.
Program = Origin mimic do (
fromTextProgram = method(textProgram, self mimic)

Print = Origin mimic do (
initialize = method(argument, @argument = argument)
fromTextProgram = method(textProgram,
argument = Interpreter Argument fromText(textProgram rest)
self mimic(argument)

Assignment = Origin mimic do (
initialize = method(variable, value,
@variable = variable
@value = value
fromTextProgram = method(textProgram,
match = #/^({variable}\w)=({value}[-+]?\d+)$/ =~ textProgram asText
variable = match variable
value = match value
self mimic(variable, value)

And we need a execute method in the Assignment kind and a kind to store the variable values in, lets call it Variables.
Variables = Origin mimic do (
variableDict = Dict withDefault(0)
setValue = method(variable, value,
variableDict[variable] = value
getValue = method(variable,

Assignment = Origin mimic do (
execute = method(
Interpreter Variables setValue(@variable, @value)

Finally we need to change the evaluate method in the VariableArgument kind, to get the value from the Variables kind instead.

VariableArgument = Argument mimic("") do(
evaluate = method(Interpreter Variables getValue(@value))

All the test passes with this code, but the ProgramTypeMatcher and ArgumentTypeMatcher are almost identical so lets merge them into one kind.
TypeMatcher = Origin mimic do (
initialize = method(typeDict, @typeDict = typeDict)
withTypeDict = method(typeDict,
Interpreter TypeMatcher mimic(typeDict)
match = method(text,
entryMatch = typeDict find(entry,
entry key =~ text
entryMatch value

And initialize it with the typeDict that we want to use.

This article is growing a bit large and if anyone is still reading I will spare you the rest of the details. Anyway, I continued with the remaining stories, you can find my final solution on github.

It was pretty easy to solve this problem in Ioke and follow the extreme oop rules. After a while I learned the rules and could feel when code I was writing was breaking one of them. I created far more small kinds than I would have otherwise and was able to keep the methods pretty small and focused one one task. I liked the exercise and will try it again in some other language and with another program exercise. I could probably have written more ISpec tests for certain parts of the system. Maybe I could have used the stories in the pdf as a kind of acceptance tests and then written unit tests as I tried to make the acceptance test pass.
Instead of all the code we wrote above you could use the fact that the statements we want to support are valid Ioke statements, except for print. So we can simple use the doText method on the Ioke Message kind to solve the exercise. With similar methods as in the above solution.

Interpreter = Origin mimic do (
input = method(+textPrograms,
textPrograms map(text,
text evaluate
) join
print = method(arg, Origin mimic)
TextProgram = Origin mimic do(
initialize = method(text, @text = text)
evaluate = method(Message doText(text))

And all the tests passes.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Prototype based programming in Ioke

Lets look a bit closer on programming in a prototype based language. In class based object oriented programming we have the concept of classes and objects of these classes. The objects behavior is defined in the class, and new objects are created from the class. If we want to reuse behavior in the original class but alter it in some way we can either subclass the original class or delegate calls from a new class to the original one. In contrast, in a prototype based language we create new objects from already existing objects in the system. In the new object we can redefine variables and methods or choose to leave them unaltered. If the new object does not provide a definition for a certain variable the prototype object will be searched, continuing further up the chain until the topmost object in the system is reached, in Ioke called Origin. So if we want to model an elephant in Ioke we can do so by creating a mimic of Origin, and defining the behavior and state we want to use to represent an elephant on that object.

iik> joe = Origin mimic
iik> joe color = "grey"
iik> joe legs = 4

If we then want to create another elephant we can mimic Joe and redefine the cells that differs from Joe's.

iik> charlie = joe mimic
iik> charlie legs = 3
iik> charlie color
+> "grey"

Ioke also has the concept of mixins, similar to traits in Self and Scala, which allows you to share behavior between different classes that don't share a common base object. You create new mixins by mimicing the Mixins kind (strictly speaking you can use any object as a mixin but the convention is to use a mimic of the Mixins kind). The Mixins kind does not have Base in its mimic chain, so you should not create objects (other than new mixins) from the Mixins kind.

iik> runBehavior = Mixins mimic
iik> runBehavior run = method("Run for your life" println)

If we want to use this mixin in our charlie object we add it to charlie's mixin chain with the mixin! method.

iik> charlie mixin!(runBehavior)
iik> charlie run
Run for your life
+> nil

Sokoban example
If you are used to class based object oriented programming it might feel strange to not have any objects to put your behavior in. But if you use it for a while you will notice that it is quite natural. If you want to know more about modeling in a prototype based language I can recommend Organizing Programs Without Classes, a paper about programming in the self language, and Steve Yegge's The Universal Design Pattern.

To get a fell for what a program in a prototype based language can look like I decided to try to translate a Ruby program to Ioke. I chose one of the solutions to the Sokoban Ruby Quiz. You can see the solution by Dave Burt here. The problem in the quiz is to create an implementation of the Sokoban game. It's a good exercise to try to translate the Ruby program yourself. The translation was pretty straightforward. The only problem I encountered was how to read files and user input on the console. But after I found the Ioke System class and its 'in' attribute it was pretty easy. I also decided to alter Dave's solution a bit to make it even more object oriented. I introduced the Direction and Position objects and added some convenience methods.

When using the do method after creating a new object the name of objects created inside the do will be somewhat unintuitive (at leas to me). If we create an object A with a cell B inside it these two don't give the same kind for B:

A = Origin mimic
A B = Origin mimic
A B kind
+> "Origin A B"

A = Origin mimic do( B = Origin mimic )
A B kind
+> "Origin B"

So to be able to check if the resident on a certain tile is a crate or a person I reassigned the kind cell on these objects. After that we can refer to them with the name that we want, in this case Sokoban crate and Sokoban person.

After some thought I chose to make wall, crate and person objects in the Sokoban kind and not kinds in them self. Because these objects don't hold any state we do not need separate instances of them. So we can for example reuse the same crate object for all the crates on the level. But since the Floor tiles need to remember if there is anything on them we need separate objects for each of the floor tiles. So floor is a kind that we call mimic on but wall, crate and person are plain objects that we use directly.

Here is the complete Ioke code.

Sokoban = Origin mimic do (

Tile = Origin mimic do (
asText = method("~")
storage? = method(self kind == Sokoban Storage kind)
hasPerson? = method(false)
hasCrate? = method(false)
free? = method(false)
walkable? = method(false)
solved? = method(true) ; treat all tiles as solved unless they overried this method
kind = "Sokoban Tile"

CharTile = Tile mimic do (
initialize = method(chr,
@ chr = chr
asText = method(@ chr)
kind = "Sokoban CharTile"

wall = Tile mimic do (
asText = method("#")
kind = "Sokoban wall"

Floor = Tile mimic do (
initialize = method(resident nil,
@ resident = resident
asText = method(
if(@ resident,
@ resident asText,
" ")

clear = method(
r = @ resident
@ resident = nil

hasCrate? = method(!free? && @ resident kind?("Sokoban crate"))
hasPerson? = method(!free? && @ resident kind?("Sokoban person"))
free? = method(!(@ resident))
walkable? = method(true)

cell("<<") = method(resident,
if(@ resident, error!("Can't go there - this tile is full"))
@ resident = resident

kind = "Sokoban Floor"

Storage = Floor mimic do (
initialize = method(resident nil,

asText = method(
case(@ resident kind,
Sokoban crate kind, "*",
Sokoban person kind, "+",
solved? = method(hasCrate?)
kind = "Sokoban Storage"

crate = Origin mimic do (
asText = method("o")
kind = "Sokoban crate"

person = Origin mimic do (
asText = method("@")
kind = "Sokoban person"

Tile createTile = method(chr nil,
"#", Sokoban wall,
" ", Sokoban Floor mimic,
"@", Sokoban Floor mimic(Sokoban person),
"o", Sokoban Floor mimic(Sokoban crate),
".", Sokoban Storage mimic,
"+", Sokoban Storage mimic(Sokoban person),
"*", Sokoban Storage mimic(Sokoban crate),
Sokoban CharTile mimic(chr)

Point = Origin mimic do(
initialize = method(x, y,
@ x = x
@ y = y

Direction = Point mimic(0,0) do(
kind = "Sokoban Direction"

cell("*") = method(mult,
Sokoban Position mimic(@ x * 2, @ y * 2)

Position = Point mimic(0,0) do(
cell("+") = method(dir,
Sokoban Position mimic(@ x + dir x, @ y + dir y)

kind = "Sokoban Position"

NORTH = Direction mimic(-1,0)
SOUTH = Direction mimic(1,0)
EAST = Direction mimic(0,1)
WEST = Direction mimic(0,-1)

Level = Origin mimic do(
initialize = method(levelsString,
@ grid = createLevels(levelsString)
if(!playerIndex, error!("No player found on level"))
if(solved?, error!("No challenge!"))
@ moves = 0

kind = "Sokoban Level"

createLevels = method(levelsString,
levelsString split("\n") map(ln,
ln split("") map(c, Sokoban Tile createTile(c) )

cell("[]") = method(position,
@ grid[ position x ][ position y ]

asText = method(
@ grid map(row, row join) join("\n")

playerIndex = method(
"Returns the position of the player"
@ grid each(rowIndex, row,
row each(colIndex, tile,
if(tile hasPerson?,
return Sokoban Position mimic(rowIndex, colIndex)

solved? = method(
; a level is solved when every tile is solved
@ grid flatten all?(solved?)

moveCrate = method(
"Move the crate in front of the player in the given direction",
cratePos, newCratePos,
self[newCratePos] << self[cratePos] clear

movePlayer = method(
"Move the player to the given position",
self[newPlayerPos] << self[playerIndex] clear

move = method(
"Move the player in the given direction and update the level to reflect it",
pos = playerIndex
playerTarget = pos + dir
if(self[playerTarget] walkable?,
if(self[playerTarget] hasCrate?,
crateTarget = pos + dir * 2
if(self[crateTarget] free?,
moveCrate(playerTarget, crateTarget)
return @ moves += 1

; command-line interface
cli = method(levelsFile "sokoban_levels.txt",
cliHelp = "

Dave's Cheap Ruby Sokoban
Ported to Ioke by Mikael Amborn
© Dave Burt 2004

@ is you
+ is you standing on storage
# is a wall
. is empty storage
o is a crate
* is a crate on storage

Move all the crates onto storage.

to move: k
h -+- l
to restart the level: r
to quit: q
to show this message: ?

You can queue commands like this: hhjjlll...

cliHelp replaceAll(#/\t+/, " : ")
cliHelp println
"Press [enter] to begin." println
System in read

FileSystem readFully(levelsFile) split("\n\n") each(levelIndex, levelString,
level = Sokoban Level mimic(levelString)
while(!level solved?,
level println
"L:#{levelIndex+1} M:#{level moves} > " print
System in read asText split("") each(c,
"h", level move(Sokoban WEST),
"j", level move(Sokoban SOUTH),
"k", level move(Sokoban NORTH),
"l", level move(Sokoban EAST),
"r", level = Sokoban Level mimic(levelString),
"q", "Bye!" println . System exit,
"ioke> " print
handle(fn(c, c println)),
Message doText(System in read code) println
"?", cliHelp println,
or("\n", "\r", "\t", " ", "."),
; System in read gives ".\n" if you just press enter so ignore . as well
"Invalid command: #{c}" println
"\nCongratulations - you beat level #{levelIndex + 1}!\n\n" println

;Sokoban cli

To be able to do the refactorings I did without breaking the implementation I also added some ISpec tests.


SIMPLE_LEVEL = "#####\n#@o.#\n#####"
SOLVED_LEVEL = "#####\n# @*#\n#####"

position = method(x, y,
Sokoban Position mimic(x,y)
direction = method(x, y,
Sokoban Direction mimic(x,y)


describe(Sokoban wall,
it("should have the correct kind",
Sokoban wall should have kind("Sokoban wall")

it("should not be possible to walk on",
Sokoban wall should not be walkable

describe(Sokoban Crate,
it("should have the correct kind",
Sokoban Crate should have kind("Sokoban Crate")

describe(Sokoban Floor,
it("should have the correct kind",
Sokoban Floor should have kind("Sokoban Floor")

describe(Sokoban Floor,

it("should have the correct kind",
Sokoban Floor should have kind("Sokoban Floor")

it("should be possible to walk on",
Sokoban Floor mimic should be walkable

before(floor = Sokoban Floor mimic)
it("should be able to add a person to the floor tile",
floor clear
floor << Sokoban person
floor hasPerson? should == true

it("should be able to add a crate to the floor tile",
floor clear
floor << Sokoban crate mimic
floor hasCrate? should == true

before(floor = Sokoban Floor mimic)
it("should return and remove resident",
floor clear
floor << Sokoban Crate mimic
floor clear should have kind("Sokoban Crate")

before(floor = Sokoban Floor mimic)
it("should return true when there is no one on the tile",
floor clear
floor should be free


describe(Sokoban Storage,

it("should have the correct kind",
Sokoban Storage should have kind("Sokoban Storage")

it("should be possible to walk on",
Sokoban Storage mimic should be walkable

before(storage = Sokoban Storage mimic)

it("should return false when it has no resident",
storage should not be solved

it("should return false when it has a person on it",
storage << Sokoban person
storage should not be solved

it("should return true when it has a crate on it",
storage clear
storage << Sokoban crate
storage should be solved

describe(Sokoban Tile,
it("should be able to create Floor tiles",
Sokoban Tile createTile(" ") should have kind("Sokoban Floor")
it("should be able to create Wall tiles",
Sokoban Tile createTile("#") should have kind("Sokoban wall")
it("should be able to create Storage tiles",
Sokoban Tile createTile(".") should have kind("Sokoban Storage")
it("should be able to create Floor tiles with a Person on them",
floorWithPerson = Sokoban Tile createTile("@")
floorWithPerson should have kind("Sokoban Floor")
floorWithPerson hasPerson? should be true
it("should be able to create Floor tiles with a Crate on them",
floorWithCrate = Sokoban Tile createTile("o")
floorWithCrate should have kind("Sokoban Floor")
floorWithCrate hasCrate? should be true
it("should be able to create Storage tiles with a Person on them",
floorWithPerson = Sokoban Tile createTile("+")
floorWithPerson should have kind("Sokoban Storage")
floorWithPerson hasPerson? should be true
it("should be able to create Storage tiles with a Crate on them",
floorWithCrate = Sokoban Tile createTile("*")
floorWithCrate should have kind("Sokoban Storage")
floorWithCrate hasCrate? should be true


describe(Sokoban Direction,
it("should have the correct kind",
Sokoban Direction should have kind("Sokoban Direction")

it("should multiply x and y with the given multiplyer",
dir = direction(1,2) * 2
dir x should == 2
dir y should == 4

describe(Sokoban Position,
it("should have the correct kind",
Sokoban Position should have kind("Sokoban Position")

it("should have an x and a y coordinate",
pos = position(1,2)
pos x should == 1
pos y should == 2

it("should add a direction to a position",
pos = position(1,2) + direction(1,2)
pos x should == 2
pos y should == 4

describe(Sokoban Level,

it("should have the correct kind",
Sokoban Level should have kind("Sokoban Level")

it("should be able to construct a level from a string",
Sokoban Level mimic(SIMPLE_LEVEL)
; just check that we do not get any errors

before(level = Sokoban Level mimic(SIMPLE_LEVEL))
it("should return the level as a string",
level asText should == SIMPLE_LEVEL

before(level = Sokoban Level mimic(SIMPLE_LEVEL))
it("should return the tile at the given index",
level[position(1,3)] should have kind("Sokoban Storage")

before(level = Sokoban Level mimic(SIMPLE_LEVEL))
it("should return the index of the player",
level playerIndex x should == 1
level playerIndex y should == 1

before(level = Sokoban Level mimic(SIMPLE_LEVEL))
it("should update the players position",
level movePlayer(position(1,3))
level playerIndex x should == 1
level playerIndex y should == 3

before(level = Sokoban Level mimic(SIMPLE_LEVEL))
it("should update the crates position",
level moveCrate(position(1,2), position(1,3))
level[position(1,3)] hasCrate? should be true
level[position(1,2)] hasCrate? should be false

before(level = Sokoban Level mimic(SIMPLE_LEVEL))
it("should update both the players and the crates position",
level move(Sokoban EAST)
level asText should == SOLVED_LEVEL

before(level = Sokoban Level mimic(SIMPLE_LEVEL))
it("should return false when all crates not on storage tiles",
level should not be solved

it("should return true when all crates are on storage tiles",
level moveCrate(position(1,2), Sokoban position(1,3))
level should be solved


Friday, June 5, 2009

Ioke macros

This is my third post about Ioke, you can also read the first and second posts.

You define macros (a la Lisp, not C) in Ioke with the macro method on DefaultBehaviour. To quote the Ioke guide "The main difference between a macro and a method in Ioke is that the arguments to a macro are not evaluated before they are sent to the macro." The arguments to the macro are accessible via the 'arguments' method on the 'call' cell. The following macro first prints the passed in message chain and then evaluates it.
iik> l = macro(code = call arguments first . code formattedCode println  . code evaluateOn(call ground))

'.' works as a terminator, kind of like newline, which can be useful when playing with iik.
'first' is a method on List that gets the first element in the list.
'formattedCode' is a method on Message that gives a representation suitable for output.
'evaluateOn' is a method on Message that evaluates the message with a given object as ground.
'ground' is a method on Message that gives the execution ground of the macro.
There is also a dmacro, for destructing macro, that lets us match the input arguments and execute different blocks depending on input. So a dmacro that can take 2 or 3 arguments can be written like this.
myUnless = dmacro(
[>condition, falseCode]
if(condition, condition, falseCode evaluateOn(call ground)),

[>condition, falseCode, trueCode]
if(condition, trueCode evaluateOn(call ground), falseCode evaluateOn(call ground)))

The '>' before the condition parameter tells Ioke to evaluate this argument.
iik> myUnless(false, 2 + 3)
+> 5

iik> myDmacro(2>1, 1/0)
+> true

Let's write an Ioke version of the Ruby 1.9 each_with_object method with an Ioke dmacro.
"Each_with_object is the same thing as inject, except you don’t have to return the object at the end of the block you pass. Since most of the time you are using inject, you have to return the hash or array as the last line in the block, using each with object will let you do the same thing, but with less code."
If we want to create a hash from an array with inject we can write something like.
iik> ["foo", "bar", "baz"] inject({}, res, elm, res[elm] = elm upper . res)
+> {"foo" => "FOO", "baz" => "BAZ", "bar" => "BAR"}

We have to return res from the code block, but with each_with_object this is done automatically for us.
The same thing can be done with the ioke collect method for List, like this.
iik> ["foo", "bar", "baz"] collect(elm, elm => elm upper)
+> {"foo" => "FOO", "baz" => "BAZ", "bar" => "BAR"}

Let's try to implement it with an Ioke dmacro. We will add it as a method on Mixins Enumerable so that it will be available on all classes that mixins this class, such as arrays and dicts.
Mixins Enumerable each_with_object = dmacro(
[>sum, res, arg, code]
;; save the name of the arg parameter in elementName
elementName = arg name
;; do the same with the res parameter
resName = res name
;; define a new cell on call ground
call ground cell(resName) = sum
;; add resName as the return from the passed in code block
code last -> Message fromText(".") -> message(resName)

;; loop through the array we are evaluated on, accessible through self
self each(n,
;; save the current elements value in the elementName cell so that it can be used in the passed in code
call ground cell(elementName) = cell(:n)
;; run the code on this element and save the result in the resName cell
call ground cell(resName) = code evaluateOn(call ground))
;; return the value in the resName cell from the macro
call ground cell(resName))

-> is a way in Ioke to add messages to a messages chain. Let's try our new macro with the previous example. When we enter the macro the res 'parameter' will be of type Message, to be able to use the variable name contained in res we use the 'name' function on Message. This gives us the variable name in 'resName' of type Symbol. But to be able to assign a cell with the Symbol name in 'resName' we have to use the cell() function. You can try it in iik.
iik> symbolVar = :symbolName
+> :symbolName

iik> cell(symbolVar) = 42
+> 42

iik> symbolName
+> 42

Let's try our new macro with the array to hash example we saw earlier.
iik> ["foo", "bar", "baz"] each_with_object({}, res, elm, res[elm] = elm upper)
+> {"foo" => "FOO", "baz" => "BAZ", "bar" => "BAR"}

Our macro can be simplified with the use of a lexical block in which we define the res and arg parameters. Lexical blocks can be created with fn, fnx in DefaultBehavior Definitions and the createFrom method in LexicalBlock. The lexical block can then be invoked with the call method in LexicalBlock or by using regular method invocation syntax with (). From the Ioke guide:
iik> x = fn(z, z println)
iik> x call(42)

iik> y = fnx(z, z println)
iik> y(42)

The method createFrom in LexicalBlock takes two arguments, the first is a list with arguments and code and the second is the context that the lexical scope should be created in. This lets us redefine our macro like this.
Mixins Enumerable each_with_object = dmacro(
[>sum, resName, argName, code]
code last -> Message fromText(".") -> message(resName)
lexicalCode = LexicalBlock createFrom(list(resName, argName, code), call ground)
self each(n,
sum = lexicalCode call(cell(:sum), cell(:n)))

In this version we reuse the sum parameter as storage of the intermediate result. This also happens to be equivalent to the way inject is defined in Ioke, F30_enumerable.ik search for inject.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Ioke and ISpec

This is the second post about the Ioke programming language, you can read the first part hear A Look at Ioke.

Ioke comes with the ISpec framework that lets you do bdd in Ioke, the syntax is very similar to that of Ruby's RSpec. There is a short introduction to ISpec on the Ioke wiki. To try it out I will use a problem from the TDD problems site. The mission is to convert a dollar amount to text. Let's start with a simple spec that says that 0 should be spelled out as 'zero'.

it("should convert 0 to zero",
dttc = DollarToTextConverter mimic
dttc convert(0) should == "zero"

If we run this specification through Ioke we get the following output.
*** - couldn't find cell 'DollarToTextConverter' on 'Ground' (Condition Error No

DollarToTextConverter [bddTest.ik:3:9]

So let's create the DollarToTextConverter kind. Because Ioke is a prototype based language there is no concept of a class, instead all objects are created as prototypes of already existing objects. New objects are created with the keyword mimic. Base is the top most object in Ioke but is not meant to be used to create new objects from. Instead we will use the Origin kind to create our object from.
DollarToTextConverter = Origin mimic

We save this to a dollarToTextConverter.ik file and add a use("dollarToTextConverter") statment to our ISpec test file. Running the specification again we get.

Condition Error NoSuchCell in 'DollarToTextConverter should convert 0 to zero'
couldn't find cell 'convert' on 'DollarToTextConverter_0x1123BE5' (Condition Err
or NoSuchCell)

dttc convert(0) should ==("zero") [bddTest.ik:8:7]

Finished in 0.16 seconds

1 example, 1 failure

This tells us that there is no convert method on DollarToTextConverter, let's create it.
DollarToTextConverter = Origin mimic
DollarToTextConverter convert = method(amount, "zero")

Running our specification again we get.

Finished in 0.0 seconds

1 example, 0 failures

Our first passing specification in Ioke. The next test will be to make sure that 1 returns 'one'.
it("should convert 0 to zero",
dttc = DollarToTextConverter mimic
dttc convert(0) should == "zero"

it("should convert 1 to one",
dttc = DollarToTextConverter mimic
dttc convert(1) should == "one"

Of course it fails when we run it as our convert functions always return 'zero'.
'DollarToTextConverter should convert 1 to one' FAILED
expected "zero" to == "one" (ISpec ExpectationNotMet)


Finished in 0.16 seconds

2 examples, 1 failure

Let's change our convert method to look at the incoming amount parameter and return an appropriate text representation.
DollarToTextConverter = Origin mimic
DollarToTextConverter convert = method(amount,
if (amount == 0,

This will make our specification pass.

Finished in 0.15 seconds

2 examples, 0 failures

Time for some refactoring. Both test cases creates a new mimic of DollarToTextConverter so lets move this out of the it method calls.
dtcc = DollarToTextconverter mimic

it("should convert 0 to zero",
dttc convert(0) should == "zero"

it("should convert 1 to one",
dttc convert(1) should == "one"

The tests still passes. Let's consider what to test next. We want all one digit numbers to convert to the corresponding english text representation. So let's write a new test that tests all one digit numbers are converted to the correct text.
dtcc = DollarToTextconverter mimic

it("should convert to the correct text for a single digit amount",
(0..9) map(num, dttc convert(num)) should == ["zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine"]

it("should convert 0 to zero",
dttc convert(0) should == "zero"

it("should convert 1 to one",
dttc convert(1) should == "one"

The specification fails so let's write some code to try to make it pass. A dict with numbers as keys and texts as values seems like a natural fit at this point. The literal syntax to create a dict in Ioke is {}(). In order to only refactor our code when the test cases are green we begin without the new specification and only refactor our code while keeping the orignal tests passing. The do method is a way to add cells to an object.

DollarToTextConverter = Origin mimic
DollarToTextConverter do (
numberDict = {}(0 => "zero", 1 => "one")
convert = method(amount,

The tests passes so we can safely introduce our new test. We leave the previous tests until we are sure this new one works and covers the same cases. The new specification fails. But it is easy to fix by adding the numbers from 2 to 9 in our numberDict.
DollarToTextConverter do (
numberDict = {}(0 => "zero", 1 => "one", 2 => "two", 3 => "three", 4 => "four",
5 => "five", 6 => "six", 7 => "seven", 8 => "eight", 9 => "nine")
convert = method(amount,

This makes all the tests pass, so we can safely remove the original two test cases.
Lets move on to two digit amounts. The numbers from 10 to 19 are similar to the single digit amounts and are easily converted by adding them to the numberDict. What about the numbers between 20 and 99? The special cases are the numbers dividable by 10, i.e 20 30 40 etc. We can just add them to our numberDict. The numbers between the 10-multiples are combinations of the corresponding 10-multiple and singel digit number, i.e. 21 => twenty-one. So let's write a new specification for the numbers up to 99.
dtcc = DollarToTextconverter mimic

it("should convert numbers between 0 and 19 to the correct text",
(0..19) map(num, dttc convert(num)) should == ["zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine", "ten", "eleven", "twelve", "thirteen", "fourteen", "fifteen", "sixtee", "seventeen", "eighteen", "nineteen"]

it("should convert multiples of 10 below 100 to the correct text",
[20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90] map(num, dttc convert(num)) should == ["twenty", "thirty", "fourty", "fifty", "sixty", "seventy", "eighty", "ninty"]

it ("should convert two digit numbers to the correct text",
[21, 32, 43, 44, 55, 66, 67, 78, 88, 99] map(num, dttc convert(num)) should == ["twenty-one", "thirty-two", "fourty-three", "fourty-four", "fifty-five", "sixty-six", "seventy-eight", "eighty-eight", "ninty-nine"]


We just need a simple adjustment to our convert method to handle the new possible amount values.
DollarToTextConverter do (
numberDict = {}(0 => "zero", ... ) ;; lots of numbers left out
convert = method(amount,
numberDict[amount], ;; if there is a direct mapping for our number return it
;; otherwise we construct a compound text
"#{numberDict[amount - amount % 10]}-#{numberDict[amount % 10]}"

The rules for multiples of 100 are combinations of the single digit and the 'hundred' suffix. The pattern for numbers below a thousand is then repeated for the 1000 part up to a million, but with a thousand suffix. Let's start with numbers between 100 and 999.
dtcc = DollarToTextconverter mimic

it("should convert numbers between 100 and 999 to the correct text",
dttc = DollarToTextConverter mimic
[100, 298, 321, 400, 555, 654, 777, 890, 901] map(num, dttc convert(num)) should == ["one hundred", "two hundred ninety-eight", "three hundred twenty-one", "four hundred", "five hundred fifty-five", "six hundred fifty-four", "seven hundred seventy-seven", "eight hundred ninety", "nine hundred one"]

Before inserting this test we need to refactor our code. We start by creating a new method convertTens.
convert = method(amount,
textArray = convertTens(amount)

convertTens = method(amount,
"#{numberDict[amount - amount % 10]}-#{numberDict[amount % 10]}"

The tests still passes so let's move on, we add our new test case for numbers between 100 and 999. To convert numbers between 100 and 999, we need to first convert the leftmost digit and add a "hundred", then convert the two rightmost digits if they are > 0. To do this we create a method convertHundreds, and a helper method to be able to get at the leftmost digit.
convertHundreds = method(amount,
result = []
hundreds = decimalShiftRight(amount, 2)
if(hundreds > 0,
result << convertTens(hundreds) << "hundred")
result << convertTens(amount%100)

decimalShiftRight = method(amount, places,
(amount - amount%(10**places)) / (10**places)

As you can see we have also chosen to start to store the intermediate result in an array. We change convertTens so that it also returns an array. And join the array with " " in the convert method.
convert = method(amount,
textArray = convertHundreds(amount) flatten
textArray join(" ") trim

convertTens = method(amount,
if(amount == 0,
"#{numberDict[amount - amount % 10]}-#{numberDict[amount % 10]}"

This makes the new test pass. So let's add a test case for numbers above 1000. The conversion of numbers above 999 will be uniform and can be handled by a new method convertWithModifier.
modifier = ["", "thousand", "million"]
convertWithModifier = method(amount, modifierIndex,
if (amount == 0,
convertWithModifier(decimalShiftRight(amount,3), modifierIndex + 1) <<
convertHundreds(amount%1000) << modifier[modifierIndex]

Here we convert the total amount in groups of three digits at a time. We call convertHundreds on the rightmost three digits we currently have, add an appropriate modifier, e.g. "thousand", and recursively call ourself with the same number decimal-shifted to the right 3 places. Our final code looks like this.

DollarToTextConverter = Origin mimic
DollarToTextConverter do (
numberDict = {}(1 => "one", 2 => "two", 3 => "three", 4 => "four",
5 => "five", 6 => "six", 7 => "seven", 8 => "eight", 9 => "nine", 10 => "ten",
11 => "eleven", 12 => "twelve", 13 => "thirteen", 14 => "fourteen",
15 => "fifteen", 16 => "sixtee", 17 => "seventeen", 18 => "eighteen", 19 => "nineteen",
20 => "twenty", 30 => "thirty", 40 => "fourty", 50 => "fifty", 60 => "sixty",
70 => "seventy", 80 => "eighty", 90 => "ninety")
modifier = ["", "thousand", "million"]

convert = method(amount,
textArray = convertWithModifier(amount, 0) flatten
textArray join(" ") trim

convertWithModifier = method(amount, modifierIndex,
if (amount == 0,
convertWithModifier(decimalShiftRight(amount,3), modifierIndex + 1) <<
convertHundreds(amount%1000) << modifier[modifierIndex]

convertHundreds = method(amount,
result = []
hundreds = decimalShiftRight(amount, 2)
if(hundreds > 0,
result << convertTens(hundreds) << "hundred")
result << convertTens(amount%100)

decimalShiftRight = method(amount, places,
(amount - amount%(10**places)) / (10**places)

convertTens = method(amount,
if(amount == 0,
"#{numberDict[amount - amount % 10]}-#{numberDict[amount % 10]}"

And the ISpec tests.

dttc = DollarToTextConverter mimic
it("should convert numbers between 0 and 19 to the correct text",
(1..19) map(num, dttc convert(num)) should == ["one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine", "ten", "eleven", "twelve", "thirteen", "fourteen", "fifteen", "sixtee", "seventeen", "eighteen", "nineteen"]

it("should convert multiples of 10 below 100 to the correct text",
[20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90] map(num, dttc convert(num)) should == ["twenty", "thirty", "fourty", "fifty", "sixty", "seventy", "eighty", "ninety"]

it ("should convert two digit numbers to the correct text",
[21, 32, 43, 44, 55, 66, 67, 78, 88, 99] map(num, dttc convert(num)) should == ["twenty-one", "thirty-two", "fourty-three", "fourty-four", "fifty-five", "sixty-six", "sixty-seven", "seventy-eight", "eighty-eight", "ninety-nine"]

it("should convert multiples of 100 to the correct text",
[100, 298, 321, 400, 555, 654, 777, 890, 901] map(num, dttc convert(num)) should == ["one hundred", "two hundred ninety-eight", "three hundred twenty-one", "four hundred", "five hundred fifty-five", "six hundred fifty-four", "seven hundred seventy-seven", "eight hundred ninety", "nine hundred one"]

it("should convert amounts larger than 1000 to the correct text",
[1000, 12000, 231000, 567000, 999999, 123456789] map(num, dttc convert(num)) should ==
["one thousand", "twelve thousand", "two hundred thirty-one thousand", "five hundred sixty-seven thousand", "nine hundred ninety-nine thousand nine hundred ninety-nine", "one hundred twenty-three million four hundred fifty-six thousand seven hundred eighty-nine"]

A look at Ioke

This will be a short look at Ioke ( a programming language created by Ola Bini. Ioke code is read from left to right. You can read about the execution model in Ioke here. The first symbol implicit on each line is called Origin. "kind" is a method that tells you the kind of the symbol it is evaluated on.
iik> kind
+> "Origin"

iik> 4 kind
+> "Number Integer"

Addition works as you would expect.
iik> 1 + 1
+> 2

+ is actually a method defined in the kind Number Integer so we can also call it as
iik> 1 +(1)
+> 2

Create variables by assigning a value to a new name. What you actually are doing is creating a cell in the receiving object, which is Origin in this case.
iik> x = 1

You can see what cells are defined on Origin withe the cells method. This returns a Dict with names and values. To get a nicer view we can use the each method and tell it to apply println to each pair in the Dict
iik> cells each(println)

You will see x as the last cell in the list of cells on Origin.

Ioke does some operator shuffling between readable syntax as above and a canonical form. So the above assignment can also be written as.
iik> =(x, 1)

Which is the form Ioke will print parsed code in. With this syntax it becomes clear that = is just another function that takes two arguments. You define methods with the method keyword. To see this in practice we create a method with an assignment in it.
iik> a = method(x=1) 
+> a:method(=(x, 1))

The value returned from a function is the last evaluated expression.
iik> myFunction = method("Hello there")
+> myFunction:method("Hello there")

iik> myFunction println
Hello there
+> nil

To define a method that takes some arguments:
iik> myAdd = method(num1, num2, num1 + num2)

iik> myAdd(3, 4)
+> 7

We can also choose to add our new function to the Ioke kind Number Integer.
iik> Number Integer add = method(num, num + self)
+> add:method(num, num + self)

iik> 3 add(2)
+> 5

self (or @) refers to the current object, like this in Java. We are also free to redefine + on Number Integer if we want to.
iik> Number Integer + = method(num, self - num)

iik> 3 + 2
+> 1

Let's try some conditions in our function. The if function will evaluate its second argument if the first argument is true and the third argument otherwise. One or both of the branches can be left out. There are also conditional functions called unless, cond and case. Go look them up in the ioke reference.
iik> Number Integer add2IfTrue = method(boolean, if(boolean, self + 2, self))
+> add2IfTrue:method(boolean, if(boolean, self +(2), self))

iik> 2 add2IfTrue(4>3)
+> 4

iik> 2 add2IfTrue(3>3)
+> 2

Looping over stuff can be done with loop, while, until, times, each and some other. Here are some examples from the ioke guide.
iik> loop("hello" println) ;; An infinite loop

iik> x = 0
iik> loop(if(x > 10, break) . x++ println)
iik> 3 times("hello" println)

iik> [1, 2, 3] each(println)

[] creates arrays and {} creates Dict's or hashes.
iik> nums = {1 => "one", 2 => "two"}
+> {1 => "one", 2 => "two"}

iik> nums[1]
+> "one"